Online Workshop: "Becoming Solution Focused in Practice" at Dalhousie University
In conjunction with Dalhousie University's School of Social Work (Continuing Education), HBTC will provide an online workshop on the practice of solution focused therapy in early 2013. Dates have not been confirmed as yet, so watch this space for details.
Presentation at SFBTA Conference
HBTC has been accepted as a presenter at the upcoming Solution Focused Brief Therapy Association annual conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota during November 14-18, 2012. We'll be talking about the implementation of solution focused practice in community mental health programs.
Care Coordinators and Solution Focused Practice
In October, HBTC will return to work with teams of Care Coordinators and management at Services for Persons with Disabilities (Dept. of Community Services). Until the end of March 2013, we'll be doing our best to help, as they continue to build solution focused practices into their work with clients, service providers and as members of an effective team.